Ceremonial Cacao


Ceremonial Cacao is a powerful and ancient medicine that works on subtle levels to clear toxins, restore vitality, and increase connection to our body’s intuitive wisdom. Because of the potent combination of natural compounds in cacao, our systems are flooded with neurochemicals which result in bliss, heart-connection, awareness, clarity, and overall well-being. Cacao is also a super-food that nourishes the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The cacao I use is ceremonial-grade from a single source, traded sustainably and transparently, and in its whole-food form to protect all medicinal components.


Cacao is not recommended if you are taking antidepressant or heart medication. Please contact me for more details.

Preparation for a Ceremony

Before and After Ceremony

It is recommended to fast for at least 3-hours (drinking only water) prior to the ceremony. We will break our fast halfway through the ceremony with a healthy meal. In the day(s) leading up to the ceremony, it is best to avoid heavy foods (especially fried food) as well as dairy, caffeine, alcohol, and other foods/substances that you feel inspired to clear out (gluten, excess sugar, cannabis, etc).

Rest well the night before the ceremony. It is also helpful to plan time to journal or meditate (including movement arts) before and after the ceremony. Before the ceremony, set aside some time to connect with yourself and your intentions. Afterwards it is helpful to schedule time to process the insights or openings, and to partake in activities that allow for the body’s self-healing and transformation to continue (nature walk, bath, journaling time).

It is important to keep well-hydrated in the days following our ceremony due to the detoxifying and diuretic effects of cacao.

Checklist - What to Prepare

  • Water Bottle

  • Journal

  • Healthy, light meal or snack (smoothie, nuts, fruit, rice, vegetables, protein, etc)

  • Comfortable clothing suitable for movement and meditation

  • Wrap-up all communications so your phone can be off for the entire ceremony

Please contact me if there is anything you wish to ask or discuss. I look forward to being with you in this beautiful experience of embodied connection and transformation. ♡