Tantric Intelligence
Language of the Heart and Vagus Nerve
What is Tantric Intelligence?
Tantric intelligence refers to our body’s innate evolutionary drive towards spiritual awakening. According to neuroscientific research, our brains are wired for enlightenment, and when we strengthen these neurocircuits we improve not just our own sense of purpose and wellbeing but also our ability to meaningfully connect and cooperate with others (Newberg & Waldman, 2017).
It’s clear that the inner-fulfillment and compassion engendered by spiritual growth offer a real possibility for people to live more sustainably and harmoniously with each other and our ecosystem. I believe that in many ways our survival and evolution as a species depends on heeding the call to spiritual awakening and developing our tantric intelligence.
How to cultivate Tantric Intelligence?
My passion is exploring methods to support the efficiency and efficacy of spiritual practices so that we may accelerate our spiritual evolution. I study the intersection between the practical science of nervous system regulation (namely, exercises for the vagus nerve) and tantric spirituality (eastern tantrik traditions as well as western tantric adaptations).
Practices which bring our nervous systems into balance can create the conditions for our minds and bodies to receive and benefit from spiritual practices more deeply. Interestingly, practices that benefit our vagus nerve often overlap with spiritual practices: heart-centered breathing, prayer, chanting, and loving-kindness meditation directly influence this vagal circuit (NeuroFit, 2023). Because our nervous system state is influenced so heavily by our visceral experience, it's more effective to focus on the body rather than a cognitive approach: somatically-based methodology such as nervous system training can therefore enhance our ability to transform spiritually.
How is the Heart involved?
This is my favorite question! The Heart (or heartspace, or heart-mind) is the central location or “driving force” of tantric intelligence. The heart refers to much more than the anatomical muscle or the emotional center (yet those are included as well). It is a spiritual/energetic center that allows us to connect with a deeper current of intuitive, embodied wisdom. This connection is both a personal and suprapersonal experience that has been described by many different wisdom traditions with words such as: presence, unity, oneness, God, devotion, unconditional love, the absolute, etc. Ultimately what you perceive through your heart is beyond words and unique to you. When we regulate our nervous systems and activate our ventral vagal circuit, our heart center naturally comes more fully online.
But I thought tantra was about sex…
Traditionally, Tantra is a spiritual path and compatible worldview aimed at a fully-embodied, all-inclusive dedication to awakening (as opposed to a disembodied, transcendental approach). In the West, Neo Tantra is a relatively new body of practices focusing on sexual energetics and intimacy. More traditional Eastern forms of tantra may utilize vital life-force energy which is comparable to sexual energy, yet traditional tantrik practices are generally not sexual in nature. A common thread between all forms of tantra is deeper connection to the heart’s wisdom—a connection which is much juicier and more fulfilling than plain old sex.
Although my coaching sessions are not sexual in nature, I do support you in exploring your sensual/sexual essence as a source of freedom, inspiration, love, and vitality. I believe it is important to unpack shame around sexuality and to reclaim the connection to your natural sensuality and pleasure in order to cultivate greater flow in the body, mind, and your relational life. In our sessions, I create a safe space for you to explore your sensuality through exercises and somatic practices. Further inquiry into sexual topics may be included per your request in the form of discussion or take-home practice.
I am a trauma-informed practitioner and my primary focus is your wellbeing—I help you take things slowly and empower you with tools for safety, boundaries, and resourcing. I am also a kink aware practitioner, and I work with people of all bodies, identities, orientations, and relationship styles.
Read more about my Coaching Sessions here for support in awakening your innate tantric intelligence.
Newberg, A. B., & Waldman, M. R. (2017). How enlightenment changes your brain: The new science of transformation. Avery.
NeuroFit. (2023). NeuroFit® certified trainer documentation. https://neurofit.app/